RDF Products DGP-16HV GPS Sensor
DTC-610 Transit Case
The DTC-610 is a rugged, compact transit case designed to transport and store a mobile DF system comprising a DFP-1000B or DFP-1010D DF processor, a companion host receiver, a mobile DF antenna, and miscellaneous accessories. The unit contains resilient protective foam inserts with custom cut-outs.

RDF Products DTC-610 Transit Case
The DTI-100B is a test DF Bearing Synthesizer designed to facilitate testing, calibration, and performance verification of radio direction finding receivers and bearing processors. The DTI-100B allows convenient testing in an indoor environment.
A built-in RF signal generator provides a modulated 10 MHz test signal with useful harmonic output up to 1000 MHz. This feature is particularly useful in field situations where an RF signal generator may not be available. Also, the DTI-100B can be used as a handheld test transmitter that can be walked around the DF vehicle to conduct a quick functional system test.

DTI-100B DF Bearing Synthesizer